I am slowly making progress on my Grand Sierra knee socks. I've started the decreases to shape the calf and they are fitting good. No more frogging has been needed.
I confess I haven't done much crafting the last couple of weeks. I've concentrated on reading those library books. I've read the 6 I brought home on February 23 and one of the HTML books. Last week I checked out 2 more computer books and a business book I requested before Christmas that finally became available.
Our Kansas City Project Linus chapter has a new coordinator, so I spent a few days last week getting the chapter website updated to reflect the change in command. Then I spent time experimenting with some of my new HTML knowledge. I'm not ready to redo the website, but I've got a nice start on the design.
Earlier Posts about these socks: Grand Sierra Knee Socks - 2½ Frogs Later, Grand Sierra Knee Socks - A Frogging We Go, Grand Sierra Knee Socks - Designing
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