Saturday, August 16, 2008

UFO/Scrap Busting Report - 8/16/08

Fourteen rows are done on the Granny's Daughter afghan. I'll probably finish row 15 tonight. This has proved to be a good project to work on during the Olympics. No new picture since 14 rows doesn't look a lot different than the 11 rows I showed on Wednesday.

crocheted cap

I finished the crocheted cap from the scrap yarn. I made a generously sized turn-up brim.

Marking crochet rounds

marking crochet rounds

I thought I'd show you how I mark the beginning / end of rounds of crochet, since I mentioned that in the last post about how to make one these caps from scraps. I usually use a double strand of crochet cotton for my marker. It's thin, smooth and easy to pull out when I'm done. You can also use yarn.

Lay the marker yarn/thread across the previous row at the end of a round and capture it between the last stitch of a round and the first stitch of the next round. The ends hang down as I work. When I finish a round, I flip the end over the top of the previous round and make sure it is between the last stitch and the next stitch I make.

The Olympics are interfering with my quilting. More accurately, live Olympic coverage of my one of my favorite sports (gymnastics) after midnight is interfering with my sleep schedule. The last 2 mornings, my body has insisted on catching up on sleep instead of quilting.

I pulled out my fabric scraps, orphan blocks, and leftover bits of strip sets on Wednesday. I decided to tackle the leftover rail fence strip sets first. I had remnants of strip sets sewn by 4 or 5 different people with widths from 6 to 6½". I decided to trim to 6" wide and cut 6" squares.

rail fence quilt blocks

Other than one strip set that was about ¾ of the fabric width, I pieced strips together to get the needed length. One block has 4 crosswise seams, though most only have 1. Click on the photo and look close; you'll see some of the horizontal seams. I have 16 six inch squares.

strip set remnants

These 2 fabric combinations have 1 fabric that is less than 1½" long. I plan to rip out the short fabric and sew the remaining 3 strips back together. I'll cut smaller 3 strip blocks from the result.

Figuring out how to set a collection of blocks of various sizes together will be an interesting challenge. I'm sure some filler strips or sashing will be needed.

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