In the 4 weeks since I last reported anything here, my best friend, Wanda, was here, I finished watching those Wiseguy DVDs and I mailed my tax returns. Among other things.
While Wanda was here, I grabbed some blocks her mom gave me last spring and started playing with them on the design wall. Settling on the idea of the center blocks surrounded by a border of blocks set on point, I started grabbing fabric out of my stash of fabric I use for Project Linus quilts. Did I have anything to use for sashing and setting triangles or did we need to shop for fabric while we were out yarn shop hopping?
We found 2 possibilities, a very dark green print and a lighter, brighter blue print. Wanda prefers the green, but I'm leaning toward the blue. The blue is livelier and this will be a Project Linus quilt. The blue adds more interest and I think will appeal more to a child.
That was 3 weeks ago and it's all still on my design wall. Wanda suggested making more blocks to make a rectangular quilt, which is an excellent idea. Her mom has more of the block fabric and it may be coming my way.
I have a few more blocks and patches here. I'll fix the block in the upper left and I have enough paisley patches to make 2 more of those blocks and 2 nine-patches.
Before Wanda left, she snapped pictures of the design wall and my pegboard storage rack. Her hubby Roger made the storage rack during one of my visits to Albuquerque. I screwed things together and added my pegboard when I got it home.
Currently, I'm piecing a back for the top I made at our 3rd Sunday Project Linus meeting on the 15th. I want to layer my tops from our March and April meetings with batting and backing and get the quilts finished. I have the batting cut for the March top; I just need to iron everything and get it layered and start stitching. First, I'll stitch the back together for the April top, so I can iron both quilt tops and backs in one session.
I'll try to be a little more productive this week and write about some of the things I've been working on. Visit Patchwork Times to see what Judy L. and a bunch of other people have on their design wall today.
Very nice lay out and I lean towards the blue too. More fabric for more blocks, that's great! it will be a well loved quilt.