Tuesday, August 06, 2024


Long before I had a blog, I had a website. Early versions used free webpage space from my internet provider. Somewhere along the way, I named my website Handcrafting with Love. In June, 2006, I created this blog with the expectation that there would be more frequent updates than I was making on the website and that was true for a few years.

In early 2010, I acquired the handcraftingwithlove.net domain name, purchased webhosting and moved the website to its' own domain. Since then, the website has looked a lot like this:

website welcome message

For more than a decade, I have largely neglected the website and this blog. When my webhosting came up for renewal this year, I decided it was time to shut the website down and that work is in progress. The free patterns and charity information are moving to this blog.

You may remember that this blog had the same green appearance as the above website screenshot. I decided it was time for a fresh look.

There will be new tabbed navigation at the top of the blog which will include links to a free pattern index and the charity information. I've copied some patterns over already and should be adding the tabbed navigation soon.

Stay tuned. My contact information will change to a gmail address, so bookmark this blog so you can find and contact me if needed.

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