Thursday, March 05, 2009



Meet "Little Red", my 2005 Toyota Corolla, sporting magnetic Project Linus signs on the front doors. This morning she logged 50 miles in her role as Project Linus Blanketmobile.

We delivered 20 blankets to St. Joseph Hospital and 80 blankets to University of Kansas (KU) Hospital. Then we went went to our Missouri Sewing Machine (aka, Mo-Sew) drop-off location in Lenexa, KS to pick up stuff. Lots of stuff.

My normal routine is to pick up from our Kansas drop-off locations twice a month. I picked about 80 blankets up at Mo-Sew only 8 days ago. But I knew that a nice woman named Marcia left a large fabric donation on Tuesday and I wanted to get it before too many blankets were added to the load. Mo-Sew is very supportive of Project Linus, but I don't want donations piling up and getting in their way. And I want it all to fit in my Corolla, which holds a lot, but has limits.

Marcia's donation was in 5 yellow trash bags and 2 white kitchen trash bags. I haven't had time to open the bags. One yellow bag is mostly batting. There is a lot of fleece, but also some quilting fabric. Additionally, there were 4 bags of finished blankets from some blanketeers.

Back seat load - driver side

This is what the back seat looked like on the driver's side. The 2 clear bags are fleece blankets.

Back seat load - passenger side

The view of the back seat on the passenger side. I had room for a couple more bags there and the front seat was empty.

The trunk was stuffed with 4 yellow trash bags. The front, left bag is finished blankets.

A full trunk

Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow! This is why many Project Linus coordinators pretty much quit making blankets. No time!

1 comment:

  1. Que bonita labor la que usted hace. Felicito su gran corazon que Dios le ah dado.
