Look! Eight completed Lone Star points! Oh happy day! It took me a month, but I'm finally ready to move to the next step.
I spent 2 weeks stitching the last 3 points together. I've not been that busy, though I went shopping and completed my ensemble to wear to my niece's wedding. Matching those diamonds was so frustrating, I avoided it a lot, dragging things out. I think my niece is getting an IOU for her wedding gift. I can finish the quilt top, but no way can I quilt and bind it in 5 weeks.
Trying to improve the piecing process, I basted the intersections on the last 3 points. This made it much easier to rip out and do over. However, I still messed up the final seam sometimes and had to pick out small stitches. Removing the basting stitches after the final stitching was a pain also.
Sewing the points to each other should be much easier as the seams will align with each other, not cross at an angle. The seam allowances are pressed in opposite directions to further assist in assembly.
I went to the local quilt shops last week and found a much better background fabric. It's much lighter and less busy than the one I originally bought. It still has a pattern to add interest to those large background squares and triangles. It's behind the points on the right in the above photo.
Previous posts: Lone Star Quilt -Part 3, Lone Star Quilt -Part 2, Lone Star Quilt -Part 1, Support Your Local Quilt Shop.